
Venue: Lilliad Learning center InnovationCité Scientifique (Université de Lille)

Address: 2 Avenue Jean Perrin, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq


From Lille Europe train station :

1. M2.png : Lille Europe → Lille Flandres (~1 min)

2. Capture_d_ecran_2024_06_11_194427.png: Lille Flandres → Cité Scientifique Pr Gabillard (~15 min)


From Lille Flandres train station :

1. Capture_d_ecran_2024_06_11_194427.png: Lille Flandres → Cité Scientifique Pr Gabillard (~15 min)


From Lille Lesquin airport : 

1. bus_1.png : Navette Aéroport de Lille →  Lille Flandres (~20 min)

2. Capture_d_ecran_2024_06_11_194427.png: Lille Flandres → Cité Scientifique Pr Gabillard (~15 min)




Venue map


Enter through the main door, you will arrive in the entrance hall (Hall d'entrée on the picture above). On your right, you should see bay windows, through which you will see the event hall (Hall événementiel on the picture above). This is where the event takes place, feel free to come meet us to get your pass and goodies!!

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